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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Research Assignment 1 Historical Research

Research Assignment

Q Research Assignment 1: Historical Research Research Assignments (Weeks 2 and 3) The purpose of the two research assignments is to allow you to apply principles of interpretation to a passage of your choice. Both research assignments are applied to the selected passage. For these two assignments, choose a passage of Scripture that interests you, such as one you have found to be encouraging, difficult or even controversial. For prose, the passage should be one paragraph in length (approximately 3–5 sentences). For poetry, the passage should be one stanza (approximately 6–8 lines). Papers should be double spaced, 12-pt. standard font with 1-inch margins, and 2–3 pages in length. Include in-text documentation and bibliography. Part 1: Historical Research This paper examines two areas of historical research: the general historical context of the book and the specific cultural issues in the passage. Use the outline provided below to guide your research. The paper itself, however, should be written in paragraph form. Also, use at least three different types of sources from the suggestions listed below. You may find sources at most libraries, including your church libraries. You may also use textbooks from previous classes. The final paper should include a reference page as well as in-text documentation to acknowledge sources. General Historical Context of the Book 1. The Author. Who was the author? Is there any debate about the author of this text? What is known about the author? When did the author write this text? What is known about the author’s location? For what purpose did the author write? 2. The Reader. Who was the original reader? What is known about the original reader(s)? What is the reader’s relationship to the author? What is known about the reader’s location? Specific Cultural Issues in the Passage 1. Do any cultural practices or social customs need explaining? 2. Examples: social institutions, familial relationships, geography, government, economy, social ?class, legal codes, employment, weights and measures, beliefs, practices, housing, clothing, food, etc. Sources for Historical Research • • Study Bibles • Bible Handbooks and Atlases • Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias • Old Testament Introductions and Surveys • New Testament Introductions and Surveys

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The passage of John 10: 25:30 is encouraging and is as follows: “The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”